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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

LIfe On MARTIAN Territory!

June 2014 New York, NY,  If you landed on MARS and were told, that the planet was in turmoil, and that it needed new governing, therefore, they've abducted you from Earth: exceptionally, the United States, because they are God's greatest since times, "How can you help us?" What would you say?

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If it were "I", in a matter of religion or politics would play of interest. First, I would say, well what are the rules? Then I'd ask what are my limits??? before I deliberate a habitat in, which; society could adjust by. Business as usual is no different, there are rules to the game, before you apply your own techniques.

I love thrillers! I get a kick out of watching Jamie fox, go at Spiderman, a person with smarts and no power, to a super human, with God-like qualities. If I was on Mars, I would've then request to please bring me Bloomberg from Manhattan! He's Rich!

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I am sure, that; if a couple Martians could abduct me, they must have social media, how invalid could I sound? They probably just don't know how to use it.. Beginning an Expo for trade, like NYC Actors Expo, which is posted every year in the Backstage, to solicit trade members, even if I have to use new techniques, like live on site tweets, about pros's and cons of guest.

Out of this world! I use my craft to fix nature, therefore, abuse and other immensities that destroys mankind, will be at issue.

As soon as I step off board, I'll probably start a sitcom, live in the public's eye, to watch and even vote on laws, right on spot, watching how, some of the acts, can be mistakes in real life, and so their public won't be stressed by it, and end my Earthling life, possibly make the Martians joke about it.
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Like on Earth, but the only difference is, that we've had governing and entertainments, for so long, we don't get a chance to show up at workshops and watch the actors make mistake, before taking the stage.

If I were a Martian abducted to Earth, I'd suggest all to be assessment oriented. Today's social media, I believe has shaped society into question's choices and answers, and tomorrows generations, will have a language evolution, of speaking in assessment format, consciously, instead of instrumentally by autonomy.
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By some form of magic, my audience will be hypnotized and then informed about their actions: in a dream state. Spontaneously, we have these experiences in life, in which we think all are experiencing and don't realize that we're the only ones. Sometimes, we get stuck in these situations. My magic should mesmerize the state of these beings, and take your bad habits, as the appear, rub them into new ones. One day I'll do this for myself before I disappear! 

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