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Monday, September 19, 2011

Roi Report October 2011 Beginners Luck: Biogaminig Security

New York, NY/NJ October 2011, luck is split like an embroil. Good or bad luck? What happens when we all becomes one falling directly in the middle? Not so lucky! Be ambiguous and reincarnate the idea of gambling behavior health management.

Scientifically we act upon impulse by actions that trigger feelings in intervals, allowing us to react and respond, our desires allow us the free-will to end up in our situations.

We've all opted for entertainment in plenty means through out history and in our lives. Before technology; painting or stage productions supplemented that joy incongruously facing reality. Nowadays with technology, not only has the "Juke Box", become a digital item but also a slot machine. Atlantic City, a casino resort built for gaming, a first time gambler seems to have beginners luck. Though luck is the theme; what happens when the skeptics express their futurist conspiracy of awareness?

Actors in the gaming world are learn all case scenarios to encompass in games for the game circus connoisseurs, in challenging them to a newer experience instead of the predictable mundane that comes with game themes. Even gaming development technology has gotten better and more realistic in emulating real life.

Today's people are consumed with behavioral conditions as if they are being watched all the time, the TV, phone is all tapped, like a Water Gate conspiracy. Life is no longer conscious threatens by government and drugs, its become "Man vs. Machine".

The computer built by man, taught and trained to express like humans, at a levels that no one's ever, and not as functional as person. Later technology, ads in the tech sections of news emphasize concentration on computers with stimuli similar to the human brain; where fire detector senses and response through stimuli are constant.

Today, the modern CPU is responding like people, programs for the deaf and blind are our only prima facei evident to support my claim.

Walking through a casino today is far different than the past. Machines were manual. The Twilight Zone expressed plenty topics on gambling as an addiction like most 20th century stories. In the Twilight Zone, an episode of a person who plays the slot machine after somebody loses, and then wins it all is an example.

This bizarre encounter is used plenty in sitcom entertainment. The characteristic has transcended into casino living, as people are lingering behind the losers to play immediately after them, even lotto ticket scratch off buyers lose most their cash playing after they lost after three buys. "I believe they should be paid to keep playing or keep paying", but my opinion doesn't count. The action becomes nocturnal.

It seems as if the behavioral hygiene of the average gambler are all conditioned by seniority, where culture, color, and money are all what determines the bureaucratic position of the inhabitants. The dealers sense a con, as well as a newlywed! The security are walking around sensing the players-and-the-players-are-avoiding-being-considered-social-vagrants, are talking to the machines as if the machine will favor them and electronically pay them. Conspiracy theory!

The conspiracy balled down to logging ones name into the system, and being watched by surveillance every moment. Skeptics think that the CPU knows them by stimuli and not social identification, and though will prefer a better idea, have become absorbing of one anothers brain neurons at out of control intervals.

The behavioral structure may seem as like this, beginners luck will possibly win me my next shot, so I'll absorb those that are new, or some may train the new that people will act a certain way by imitating the action, and people are defusing those who are as defused as they are. Skeptics! Say I was security expressing the action, I would gradually walk past your machine and as it wins, indicate that I'm the reason that your machine won, so be nice and possibly be able to win further, then I'll begin to communicate to the fraternal machine.

Absurdly to say, it sounds like gaming world entertainment is brainwashing. One game that interest me in the gaming world that may be absorbing is the Wheel of Fortune slot; where players are lined up on as many as eight machines in slot format on one screen. The future of gaming and entertainment survives along with big spenders and entertaining burlesque chicks and bands that develop a creative lifestyle to entertain the host.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sept. 2011 Roi Report: "The Student Enrollment"

New York, NY 2011, World Trade Center(WTC), 911 victim morning memorials Tenth year anniversary along, Battery City Park's, Tribeca neighborhood. I can remember the feeling the smell of that event and will like to contribute; condolence and security to those affected and have forgotten that trust exist. Sometimes we must lose it all to regain it, and possibly better than ever.

It's now going back to school season in the East Coast, where the fall takes place, fashion week appears, and tourist are completing the rest of their great adventure. As the scene winds down and the minds energy is unconsciously firing at magnitudes unrecordable, this is the life that has occurred for generations.

Enrollment is in execution as course registration takes place. First, application fees, advisement, registration, lastly course payment. Organization is simple if you think of it.

Before students decide to enroll in a program, they need to choose a concentration. As a religion has an foundation of understanding, and letters belong to an alphabet system; trades have unions and so on...

Top dollar jobs require skills, the best are a threat to the competition and the misinformed are excluded from opportunity. Plenty of career choices to choose from, not only in tourism where in big cities like New York, it serves popularity far along hospitality, lawyers, doctors, and in New York, Actors and financiers play prominent rolls, compared to China, where today's technology will make a service sector position an elite job like a machine repairs person, New York are where stars are born.

I starve off the quacks that express pessimism and enlighten them by arguing their doubt in opportunity by example. Simple enrollment, there are plenty of foundations in all trades. The arts are recruiting and maybe you don't know they exist but companies like The Shakespeare Company are seeking actors for ensembles, annually. These foundations fill quotas to tour regionally in case talent are injured or makes an unexpected career change.

Some people make it and others don't, this doesn't mean quit, read the articles in the periodicals like Back Stage, professional writers are conveying this all the time.

Enrollment to a foundation of the arts are different than from concentrations to other trades like teaching and nursing where both subjects study, take a test to receive a certificate and may be finger printed, an actor needs a letter of reference, a head shot and a monologue audition; and to small talk the occupants, "I'm nervous already.

To live and express yourself as a professional is what the preparation is all about. I read in the Back Stage that artist should be audition ready giving a list of artist survival tools in a kit that will help the artist along the process, along the list where hygiene products and health snacks besides resources and utilities necessary to work.

Maybe one day your face will pop up on millions subscriber text messages about your life. For now workshop your talent and networking the right folk is primary option. Workshops prepare artist how to represent themselves and allow the individual to receive professional experience, emotionally.

Hollywood workshops offers popular professionals in the trade to view your work, for a small fee. The Actors Project in New York hold season membership sessions to prioritize artist insight. Other workshop differentiate by expertise, the Writer's store aids writers how to write scripts, and also offers services that writes stories and novels for them.

An artist can receive great insights entering professional conservatories in prep to becoming a pro. During the season I advise the enrolled student chose a range of workshops, purchase a Back Stage, understand the scene; place to hang and have a good monologue. Know your union SAG and AFTRA, WGA DGA, etc. You never know who you are speaking with and who's who in the business, these common incident determine whether you're getting paid or left behind in molt.
