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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Theatre On Demand: Film Festival Alchemist & Euphoric Behavior

New York, NY 2012, Your sitting in a theatre the previews are on, the lights go down all-systematized-to how the main switch programs the functions to work logistically. Then a blank screen appears... the theatre house remains functioning, the light are fading further, a theatre manager walks in explaining a power shortage as giving complimentary tickets for the inconvenience. You've watched all the shows you need to see. In our modern theatrical arena our well-being is to see what we want, when we want.

Yesterday's theatre is but a cliché of this determination as the expediency of films arrived to primetime networks from theatre houses. In the past a film will make a distribution deal with a theater home and box-office and in months almost a year after the shows release, will premier on DVD; as it has on VHS.

The time has reduced its immediacy by demand, because of choice and altering of attention span by free-will options tunneled to demand channels that receive movies within months after box office release dates to a cable box and remote disposal. We can watch commercial movies and even sort by category festival programs choosing a film.

The question for research is the pareto-improvement in rekindling the emphermal experience movies like Marvels and Paramount Pictures "The Avengers", effect viewers, to bring them to theatre homes to watch movies, instead of allowing revenue decline and further debilitate social colloquy.

Even as an actor finishing sending out photo's in emails and envelopes to casting director's and other forms of representation, the Stubs reward becomes a new occupation. This AMC world order conspiracy is the analysis for the future moviegoer. The card tracks all shows viewers watch and by certain purchase limits rewards incentives. For a higher brain function, greatly admired, whether Visa or American Express for Tribeca Film Festival members, a festivity which began the year of 9-11 as this seasons first year of Bin Laden's death, American Express sponsors this festival subjecting ticket holders to American Express Card holders.

The function displays continuity, as film festival purposes are to support traditional standards and introduce innovation to the arts. The festival is a platform to allow the art to exist as a trade and filmmakers the inspiration by prize to compete with other artist, encouraging the completion of film project. How shall future entertainment appear? In sense believing that another person has thought of it already is at mind.

Sometimes I wonder what a certain point of a movie will appear as live, during a regional distribution may occur. The Secret Society is almost a New World Order to financing a bohemian means of power and control. Substantially, this years sophisticated festival supported panels for independent filmmakers and the feature of The Avengers, which represents the Superhuman, during the time of resurrection; the rebirth of Christ.

Mayhem, of Superhero groups working together, taking down the tyrants of the fascism promoted by the art, symbolize trade par excellence. Tribeca Film Festival closes out with a Screening of the motion picture "The Avengers", five days previous to its commercial release. Ambrosial For the audience, expediency is one issue and for the artist expediency raises another issue; understanding direction in supporting practice, the trade and other artists interest.

The idea is to not be controlled by an economic disadvantage alternating investor’s means to contribution and regulators sudden switch in medium utilities but to soar in self-development to produce efficiently. The introspection of duty leaves at our disposal an efficient manner of practice. The personage sacrificing the personal traits for others to have fluidity to practice, are all the egocentric trails in overcoming this fascist symbolism.

The expression is like a pyramid schema for ideas. Preconceptions are what we've all been through which reacts unconscious or uncontrollably, but dealing with these crisis are the challenge and reward. Besides considering the men behind the mask social engineers that sit behind expensive desk brain washing the world, try to alternate your gaze and visualize setting a standard way of being, compared to thinking what's beyond the black-hole. Life is a celebration as the arts expresses.

Let us not forget substantial are the artist who are theatrically available on demand as well.

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