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Wednesday, December 3, 2014


New York, NY December 2014. As fragmented as domestic society is, a tradition of membership commonality is shared through growth of independent organizations within trades. Alliance of Motion Pictures and Television Producers, employ; contracts for Unions, one of Americas biggest agendas. Civil Rights allow citizens and other voices to have chance for choice. Trade fragmentation, show signs of trade civility, expressing ranges of civic duty.

The American Fund, and organization that allocates immensities toward civil right, it's mission is stated as, "This insightful group of leaders saw that there was a hole that desperately needed to be filled, and they worked together to create an organization that continues to grow and change in order to help individuals in need, crisis or transition."

The American Society of Cinematographers takes on a seasonal professional and what motion-picture making is all about. Ideals of unique collaborative natures. Within the nature of a construct of how a director and cinematographer develops a story, my ideals wonders around tomorrows saturated industry of cluttered actors causing less attention to Celebrity images.

Photo from Wikimedia.
What constitutes what the feeling of a situation feels like, and how it should be expressed on film, compared to legalities by natural response? The discretion behind the person behind the lines, compared to the character and the words on the page?

The Occupational Outlook Book entails the condition of a position. Gaining a gig in the arts is like Night-crawling correspondence for news station preview. Convincing collaboration is undermined. The intensity of impacting an individual to work alongside a big name inspires industry personnel-assistance before the passion to develop. Though, the need to maintain recognition, lives within a known face where, advocacy is threaten.

A service such as the Association of Celebrity Personal Services, based in California, mobility needs efficiency for tomorrow's conditions? Social media does delink the limitations that are posed, allowing scales of networking, regionally to substitute the indiscriminate traveling limitations. Tough in real-time this may not fit the picture when, inquiring about membership incentives to celebrity organization.

The entire industry is fragmented into formal and informal frames of council. The SAGAFTRA Guild, offer incentives that with profession. These two organization have joined together after years of informal arbitration becoming a formal split service to monitor the arts. The membership benefits are exclusive. They've transition into an election commission based entity service society and art.

Humane Hollywood practices animal behavior and cruelty. Cat and dog chase shaping the behaviors of how public's relate to the newly created animal rights.

As, film makings becoming a forum for Early Childhood Education. An organization titled NATPE
show signs of incentives taking on the form of a common core, in its mission. The industry's innovation allows plenty means to express art, some, political statements, which epidemics have came and aroused art forms, teach languages vs. popularity. But what do we want, and where are we going with all this fame? Or should I say frame? RAND a think tank, is completely loyal to Pre-k K-12th grade assessment accountability in education and the arts.

Legalities are so far apart as to what's considered legitimate. Incrementally, the industry has become eclectic with communications, able to come up with ideas and expressing them to larger population's than ever, though the legalities of the constructs of the trade promotes having aligned the public favors, and tracking why, is an even wider issue, because the starting point of why, hasn't been determined.

The OSCAR, which est. since 1929, instill in their objections, trade infringements like; editorial use, copyrights & trademarks, along with a provision of clips usage, right from the site, under regulations.

The American Guild of Variety Artists, expresses economic relations along the health insurance exchange act, which New Yorker's are due to apply before December 15th, 2014, or suffer penalty in the fiscal year. The organization AGVA, offers welfare and health insurance plans. The Health Insurance Exchange Act, has been controversial to the 10th Amendment clause, of the U.S. constitution, which; allow the the federal gov't power to the states, as long as the public aren't forced into practices, which optionally several state are still pending national membership.

It all mounds down to saving tomorrows industry not only to inform the public, but also to preserve trade associates and formalities.

The Motion Picture Association of America, instills creative protection, where in this case, is using another's creativity is valid, how? Where do all the graphics come into play? How to council a theme in the business of intellectuals, of using a philosophy of inspirations, and identifying its source?


Sunday, November 2, 2014


New York, NY November 2014, Education opens the gate to all understanding. Learning is as essential as tuning a guitar to its relative pitch, and key is meeting the skill level, fundamental to conceive information. Education is instilled to all public subjects, and now you can take advantage of affording one.

Images from Goole images
Online, you can locate modern methods to honing your craft. A dancer needs studio space to enable their body to meet the demands of turn dynamics, as well as; actor's and vocal artist who-hone the disharmony of societies toll- needs places for practice as well. In urban cities where services are provided-along-the-lines at, great rates to meet the needs of the custom of service, enhanced towns and their booming economies.

Images from Goole images
One site called, displays ranges of music lesson, where; you pick the instrument and a list of instructors appear, with rates location next to their name and photo's and a brief description. Also, a site http://called, list persons with rates to choose from; if purchasing instruction.

Another exciting option is meeting with colleagues at the Ripley Girer Studios, outside Times Square, MSG, you'll find quirky people, but practice meets perfect.

 Images from Goole images
I was considering taking tap lessons for a musical theatre course I was taking, in which if I could sing, act and dance, it would consider me a triple threat in the theatre industry.

Learning is full of industry! Learning a topic allows one, the fluency not only speaking in the trade, but also advocating your trade, like unions.

Gratification needs to meet demands on all parts to motivate employees all year round. Today's time are surrounded by industry, which surrounds economics, so in transition to being a good Citizen; taxpayers always seek these serviced industry organizations, who need support to poll the person of the business.

If your job has good wifi, and your boss allows use, you can also sigup for online courses, during lunch breaks, its completely undercover. I located an online course offered at a online College Degree service site; where one can earn a certificate in Addiction and human service. It helps to develop the self and fix life problems as you go along, which inspired me to Jump the Bandwagon in appeasing you to find interest.

Images from Goole images

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

BANG Forty-weak a BUCK$

New York, NY October 2014, logging a list of quotes or parables to use as reference to certain events are extremely helpful to writers and actors during last minute script tweaks. The bible has plenty of parables about life, as Shakespeare obtains colloquy of rankings and emotion outcomes; one of Shakespeare well known quotes, today, is "All the Worlds a Stage", which is a pun in art, where life is represented through stage, as real life is a stage in which represents life.

One essential reason for script tweaks are that, events in life change, and as seasons turn and introduce theme's, which are norms to a region, so are events. The theory really is, that most of what occurs in life today, happens more than often, and by chance has happened before, therefore, in theatre, the term "Cruelty" has made available parables, through the bible and Shakespeare available for use.

"Poetic writings have parables; saying in which one can use in en event, which requires insight on an issues."

Politicians are a factor of the case, where during speeches must find a catch, as if singing a song or repeating a tune, in expressing a point of view. Its almost as appearing at the National Comic Con, and sorting through a range of costumes to fit characters.

The purpose is to make the entire development process simple and more efficient. In the past, during the Progressive Era, plenty employment issues arrived on the scene in the industrial entertainment trade. Throughout time, even up to today, artist complain about employment gaps, or inequality of wealth distribution. The answer remains in task simplicity, and how they apply to a production, therefore allowing human resources to cut a check at the correct value or even request an amount of budget for more employees.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Landing the Gig: Interviews 101's

Google Images
New York, NY September 2014, Interviewing is a common and resourceful utility in exploring the job world. Presentation speaks for itself, though they are mores that come with the premise, such as questions! Your answer's dependent on an emotional quotient of composure, as you're assessed of the level of your services.

The type of question in consideration for positions are, garnered from a formation of presentation styles, being offered by employer. The screening process is different at Panel Interview's for a politicians, than a Behavioral one in the employment sector. One of the most important factors about the interview process, is knowing what you're applying for, therefore research of the company, and other factors are essential to draw out along with questions you'd ask your employer, during the interview process.

Some of the most common question you'll be asked are:
  • Name 2-3 Strengths or weaknesses?
  • How would other people describe you?
  • In a situation where you had to face pressure, how did you handle it? 

Another question you may face is, Why should we hire you for the position? The answer is to align your values with company expectations, and in order to find a companies expectation, is to do research, such as past articles, that relay information of companies history.

Always listen carefully and respond. A book on interviewing advises if; interviewing feels competitive, treat it like a contest, such as a Tennis match, and then prepare to go back and forth with screening process. 

Hopefully, you're not late and need an excessive amount of transportation to arrive on the scene. We have fast means of transportation, but if your unemployed, showing up in a taxi or limo services will seem a bit out of place, unless your Trump, and are beginning a new assignment. 

If you watched Trump's show "The Apprentice", you'll notice that, being late to events are a serious, NO, NO! Therefore, preparing to arrive at least 15 minutes early, is an alternative to landing the spot. Prepare the runway gear for career!


  • Eye Contact
  • Smile
  • Business Card
  • Rapport
  • LIsten
  • Think before Speaking
  • No Negative Responses

If you happen to watch Television, and see Donald Trump in actions, after deploying TV business interns on assignments, you'll want to take into consideration these essential interviewing techniques and stick within the morals of company values, or you''ll hear the great phrase Trump tells his weakest links on the program
"The Apprentice"

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


New York, NY 2014, with today's cost of living divided by population, one can redraw the future. The amount of time taken to build a residence, its cost and space; that can possibly be accumulated, implying, eventually; space will deplete. For the business personnel, this same conflict is significant.

If you predict the future in compared to the past, thinking of an anterior of annals: EEO, antebellum of labor laws all, dysophically, seems odd. A solution to avoid these residential catastrophes comes within a matrix of coordinates, which alleviates its ignorance, one option is room-sharing, another home-office positions posted everywhere. In conclusion, space will be used moderately by the norms of this conflicts condition.

Technical directors face issues with spaces all the time. One is renting out its house to raise revenue, another is having enough room for ensemble members to perform. "Exponentially, the population picture is almost as symbolic to the movie 2012, where people be desperately, trying to board a bunker during an apocalypse, as far as I'm concerned." Though, let hope know one gets pushed over the edge! People live on the edge today looking to book or rent space.

Downloaded from google images, 2012 movie Production Photography

The condition of an artist wears on living circumstances and predicting the futures social security plan is skeptical; as the chances for an artist to earn and save, defeat one another by its discordant conditions of: booking employment, meeting financial goals-such as primary bills and alternative expenditures that may appear coincidentally. (OOB)

Today's small business artist is an expression of 2012. Most artist rent places for work, if its not a stage or an exposition gallery. A rental can range from  FILM AND MUSIC STUDIO shares and rehearsal space.

Google Image Photography
Legality essentials, range from licenses for venues, sales of alcohol, board requirements in applying corporation status, which most guru independent films company's are surrounded by, besides meeting deadlines, confirming permits and patents rights. Share owners only invest to gain on gross. Bigger production companies are a great example of market shares, which main objectives are booking studio space to film productions and distribution houses.

20th Century Fox's total gross stable's at, $1,135.4 Billion dollars, during the period January 1st to July 27th, 2014, followed by by Warner Bros, who holds a 16.2% Market share, a .024 point change from top place at a 15% difference, followed by Sony at number three on standing at a 14.9% Market share a 909.4 Billion dollar gross. on 

Google Image Photography

As a result the markets experiencing buyout's, were one company is stable to afford functionality, other are at negotiation, to opportunity to purchase, as a vertical merge; when one company with same service buys another's brand. Current successful industry trends "are" merging. Such merges result in ownership umbrella's of father companies over a conglomerate of smaller ones, with other services provided to one another.

What determines these buy outs are the affordability of one productions companies history, such MGM, house for 007 Quantum of Solace, which has experienced a bankruptcy after the recent 2009 market crash.

Bottom line, popular box office sales attract purchases, and other means of closing acquisitions for merging.

"300-Rise Of An Empire" falls at the top of the list by Fox, declining in ratings on Nielsen Ratings Top Ten list of Most Popular Films(MPF's), where the Lego Movie stands at number one, followed by Frozen...

A clutter of competition arrives, with innovative tactics to compete, the major issue, is finding a solution to have them all exist together.

Independent Film Markets gaining a step into the capital setting, must acknowledge these trends in order to remain competition. Independents, suffer from roll-offs in budgets and purchasing options, at the negotiation table during merging deals, because of their lack of capital to remain shareholding prospects.


Monday, June 30, 2014

Series of Auditions Vs. Self Service Assimilation The Roi Report

Greenwich Village, New York, NY 2014. Actor takes on talent agencies in auditioning for a series of roles, in development. Because the actor has studied political deliberation, in reference to, urban big city life; street crime and behavior modification-the actor wishes to incorporate his knowledge into productions he works on, and is building his credibility to make his identity a, product placement.

The claims his stage name to show inner theatre audience members: critics, director and producers, his artistic intelligence by naming himself after an industry lamp. JASON LOWEL

One of the inductive techniques the artist is planning to feature, is; writing concepts to stage, film, and TV folio formats, and even music as a theme and variation incorporated into the intellectual creative story.

Odd quirky ideals seem to grab the artist, who thinks the industry is moving backwards in its achievements, and becoming less of a noble title to obtain in society. "Superstars are taking regular daytime television roles, most productions are taking on the most trendy theme's and aren't writing to their creative capability, only tailoring art to what sells" says Lowel. Where's the art in copying a box office sellout over and over?

"The main right is to find justice due where it belongs, as outsiders, may have a hold in wanting to practice their trade, over anothers, consciously without the members knowing."

Despite the casual flaws of distribution mediums are alternating where participants need to identify solution to stabilize the need to secure the premise, the actor claim that todays artist is a layman, and must offer services that are universal to all trades in their own trade.

One of these talents is an administrative process; of research, calculating, expressing and communicating.

The actor wants to prove his intelligence to the inner audience, which are the number one targets at the box office. The actor claims that his skills has earned him a lifetime achievements award that he can't even claim, due to lack of industry roles and credit for active professionals.

"Even unions set standards like traditional workshops and formats for submission, but aren't really following through to the talent, after conforming our reliability and commitments." says Lowel.

The actor responds in desire for help in literacy as the one thing perplexing about the trade, is being mistaken for someones else work, and then being sued for it.

"Sometimes I write ideas, and by personal sensitivity, I come back to them later, and realized they are styles that have intrigued me in other art forms, that haven't left my brains appeal.

The actor says, that; some of these ideas belong to artists working styles, and all that's this has left him, is a story to pitch and work with them if they are interested.

Therefore, the ideal for this artist is to pitch talent companies, take on ranges of their stories, offer his services and along the way, meet potential business partners who may find interest in become a partner, in future ventures "amongst" an artist achievements, as shared credit.

One of the most phenomenal moves, is that all artist achieve, but if you really pay close attention to the message, you'll notice something about the setting of what's occurring in your trade. One thing about acting is unemployment, out of the vast amount of overt infallible talent, who've learn how to do all the task by themselves, suffer from; alienating themselves from others, is a reason to shaped oneself to develop-to allow another-in another seat in the business-to fulfill their dream in a creative process, being judged by trade specialist."

In settling the dispute between the two prostitutes, King Solomon showed
himself to be an exemplary judge. Instead of being pragmatic or partial to
 either side, his sole concern was ascertaining the truth and
administering justice.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

LIfe On MARTIAN Territory!

June 2014 New York, NY,  If you landed on MARS and were told, that the planet was in turmoil, and that it needed new governing, therefore, they've abducted you from Earth: exceptionally, the United States, because they are God's greatest since times, "How can you help us?" What would you say?

From google Images
If it were "I", in a matter of religion or politics would play of interest. First, I would say, well what are the rules? Then I'd ask what are my limits??? before I deliberate a habitat in, which; society could adjust by. Business as usual is no different, there are rules to the game, before you apply your own techniques.

I love thrillers! I get a kick out of watching Jamie fox, go at Spiderman, a person with smarts and no power, to a super human, with God-like qualities. If I was on Mars, I would've then request to please bring me Bloomberg from Manhattan! He's Rich!

From Google Images
I am sure, that; if a couple Martians could abduct me, they must have social media, how invalid could I sound? They probably just don't know how to use it.. Beginning an Expo for trade, like NYC Actors Expo, which is posted every year in the Backstage, to solicit trade members, even if I have to use new techniques, like live on site tweets, about pros's and cons of guest.

Out of this world! I use my craft to fix nature, therefore, abuse and other immensities that destroys mankind, will be at issue.

As soon as I step off board, I'll probably start a sitcom, live in the public's eye, to watch and even vote on laws, right on spot, watching how, some of the acts, can be mistakes in real life, and so their public won't be stressed by it, and end my Earthling life, possibly make the Martians joke about it.
From Google images

Like on Earth, but the only difference is, that we've had governing and entertainments, for so long, we don't get a chance to show up at workshops and watch the actors make mistake, before taking the stage.

If I were a Martian abducted to Earth, I'd suggest all to be assessment oriented. Today's social media, I believe has shaped society into question's choices and answers, and tomorrows generations, will have a language evolution, of speaking in assessment format, consciously, instead of instrumentally by autonomy.
From google images
By some form of magic, my audience will be hypnotized and then informed about their actions: in a dream state. Spontaneously, we have these experiences in life, in which we think all are experiencing and don't realize that we're the only ones. Sometimes, we get stuck in these situations. My magic should mesmerize the state of these beings, and take your bad habits, as the appear, rub them into new ones. One day I'll do this for myself before I disappear! 

From Google Images

Thursday, May 8, 2014

ARTISTVOCY: Industry Deliberation

New York, NY May 2014, An actors reel shouldn't only present production performances, but should show a great amount of contribution, which is what trade hubs for professionals, seek. Unions like the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), vote actors in for lifetime achievement awards, and usually, fulfilling the requirements, are the steps to gaining merits, that garner votes.

On SAG's website alone, if you scroll through, you can look up objectives in which the industry your advocates support, may win fever with its community. BookPALs, by the Performing Arts Literacy School is an example of contributions, which display as merits for campaigning.

It's almost like seeking a political party, walking down the road to the White House. Number one is; finding advisers to agree with your philosophy and then gather enough believers, by signature and finance to run campaign.

Statistics are common on sites like, which carry lots of law terms for political arenas. The spectacle of entertainments, Variety, Backstage, Ross Reports all are publications, which express ideas of show business. In backstage alone, one can find forums to get a depiction of how the people of the arts are like.

In observation, most actors are interested in knowing if their training is the necessary training to qualify, if price matters, and artist who've been around, always respond with great feedback, offering sophisticated techniques to consider, such as the Misner, which allows actors a modern sense of Improv during scene study.

All this camaraderie need to be taken serious before considering taking a lifetime achievement award. One may want to know about their district before mocking up a campaign plan. What affects the people around you most, is the most essential to the art created, plus your special talents, on expo during events.

Being the professional: comes with understanding what the others do... Avoid all the pot-wholes, salary caps vary regionally, though NY-NJ has a high rate of employment in the motion picture industry, it still ranks number two, next to LA which, by index has a 1.6% difference in wage at $53.20 hr in California, as NY-NJ brings in $46,46 dollars per hour. (

If you're seeking to be A-list quality, it's necessary to keep your face in the Neilsen Rating for audience measurements, but if you want to act on stage, in a show, where none of the talent are professionals, you can also have your way there, which you'll find "beware of talent agency" signs posted constantly.

Next time you go on a casting call, check their union affiliation, how much training the production obtains, and where the production will festival, so you'll have a sense of the audience, and type of work you'll need to produce to be elected the best actor of the year, on your next gig.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Getting Back into The Game

New York, NY April 2014, Credentials are essential in the faces of industry gatekeepers; who screen background and anatomy diameters; eyes, height and weight. Its established that sex sells in modern America, commercial ads are flooded with the deception of a commodity of lust; in which artist exploit their features at talents hubs to gain advantage in recognition of submissions, over the other.

Foto on Google Images
 In reality, the show business seems, seems to be its real life. Producers want to see results. Extra work does not make the cut, they hold essential for meeting with other artist and networking for Union requirements, but standing in your favorites artist box office hit, isn't considered experience.

Actors must develop talent, within the domain of understanding the human condition and applying this as a skill during performances.

In the recent screenplay Robocop, an officer Alex Murphy wounded by a treat conspiracy, with resulted in loosing limbs, and being resurrected in an android as an amputee. The science is bias upon choices one makes as a human and that of a Robot. In Alex Murphy's
case, the computer program becomes too emotional, in which caused danger to pedestrians, law making and Omnicorp, which; booted to a response system, the condition of choices are now controlled by a main frame, and the destine of man over Robot, as Alex pressures his real self to make a choice rather than the android.

Yahoo Image

In real life, this same condition is described as Mutual Joint Control; a universal set of behaviors are dependent on one another, for reactions. Successful artist have accomplishments  to brag about. They write feature story's about their experiences, what they're currently involved in, at convenience to talent hubs: your next photo should make the submission smile. American show biz is a great platform to express your civic understanding, therefore become familiar with issues concerning the people, and go for roles that symbolize these epidemics.

On, some topic that are modern are those of listed below
  • Work~at home mother increase
  • America's Demographic Change
  • Morals according to geographic living arrangements  

In an essay published by The John Hopikns University Press, A study on Performative Acts and Gender Constitutions: Subtitled, An essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, by Judith Butler, discusses issues concerning acts one taken constituting the language and semantic that results from the behavior.

All in ensemble in the round, getting back on your A-Game, comes along with A-list quality and developing a superb profile.



This is Earth Month, the Western Spring Season. This is the official mating season, its also Earth Month, where April Showers, bring May flowers, as greatness will bloom. Jesus Christ died on the Cross for your and I sins, and this year particularly, On Easter, will resurrect for the sins of all mans. The 420; which symbolizes pot day,n organic remedy of herbs as the grass grows greener, and is also a day the Lunar constellation meets The Ram & the Bull, a time where, while all these event occur on the same day, or so close apart, symbolizes out dimension in and out of the universe.

Though, According to a new Pew Research Center analysis, six-in-ten Americans (60%) say that “humans and other living things have evolved over time,” while a third (33%) reject the idea of evolution, saying that “humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.”

We never know what form life can take its place as.
Google Images

Friday, March 14, 2014

Artistic Repertoire: Professional for Pro

New York, NY March 2014, Idea behind a career in the

The science of taking on an act, and I don't mean performing in a show, but finding an artistic talent to develop an artistic career around. Theoretically, if you were to be a star talent, then; obviously there's activity around that individual; business, social, intellectual, etc. The idea is to offer a lifestyle around these peoples or persons auras, to enhance their productivity intake.

An artist who may be known for a particular background, may take on roles that symbolize those, topics, which are like opportunities to exploit their talent, and the arts, through their signature motto's.

Though the aesthetics of the audience, are like those of the public, rather than to the people of the trade, where; the audience knows the In's and Outs, in representing the minds of the public as a science, the perception varies from viewer to viewer.

What occurs in a celebrities professional background, exploited in the medias public, takes on a real life, as real gossip, really happening, character to character,  different viewers affected by the conditions these character have taken on, and the actors who are in exclusion to being, are in a process known to science, called; interdependent states... Where the actions one another give, by sense inflict others, which a study which introduces the topic, depicts each individual action registers a theory called Mutual Joint Control; as an action in request for an action.

These action in interplay, exceptionally for actor where its occurring in  hyper-real time, create moods that play out in different states, if the individual in pursuit of the action, doesn't by some form of liberty realize what occurring when the act has taken place, where one has the freedom over their life to not alienate themselves from the conscious conscious state.

Drama schools are heating up this summer with seats to train new entering artist the trade, and industry tricks. Important celebrity artist, who are affected by these interdependent states, are always open to recruit talent to help shape the condition of one of their characters, who roles have affected their personal lives, where there, they are not the person they were paid to play, as an expression of their professional talent produces.

Other strategies are to take on stories that are significant to the world or the self, and along the outline of entertainment, paint them with amusing embellishing ornaments, that satisfy trade expectancies.

The job is titled artistic repertoire; a manager and representative, who most of the time, looks for production deal for an arrangement of artist, and legally grants projects, along an artist background type.

Consist of plenty communicating and greeting and negotiating.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Wolf Inside Sheeps Clothing

February, 2014 New York NY, Money doesn't get the Job done, resource does. Though, money can buy resources, the principle is; to be able to function. "The Little Red Riding Hood", wasn't just a escaping a big bad wolf, she was escaping the burden of problems.
Foto from online google search

I'm a businessman, which is great motivation for an independent actor in the business of entertainments. If you have a great imagination, picture the stock market floor and all prime facie value are below its worth, I purchase and; having sold under face value, still profiting.

Today, I'd like to introduce myself once again. To walk you through a maze, the history you know me by, is a mere mental memory, which seems to possibly live in you, as a legacy; as a tale of an urban legend.

Tomorrow, I introduce to you the Nirvarian Principle, which assumes that; the end is near. In the great philosophy of Freud; the Oedipus complex settles that; the human condition, developed by the leader-the father of the household/die fuhrer, that; by technology, the need to have a household parent has been replaced, by TV.

Times in history, where the end of times came near, was the Great Depression; another, when the Manifesto claims that the fabricated man, has to take on animal labor, by Satire a French philosopher.

To many people, on a Venn Diagram, the end is soundly, illogical, almost as if a new doomsday. When we can't function, then we receive no results, therefore we stagnate. The "Three Little Pigs", had stagnated as a scary wolf, huffed and puffed their homes down, where the last time new Yorkers, stagnated, was during the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center, where today, from Wall St. you can feel the beat of the repair still occurring today, after 13 years.

When the nation was developing a constitution, for what we live by today, to benefit man; it was said that because the "Framers" of your and I's constitutional rights: means and resources were property, before currency... that, in order for one, as a citizen to show a civic virtue; caring for their civilization, they had to determine to themselves, some type of ownership in order to express civic participation in democracy: Democracy the resource.

Cupid shot arrows for love, if he ran out of bows, Valentines day and the Roman's would be "Down with Love", like the movie, which the end for The Art of Manliness, resulted in Catche Blanc competing with upcoming cougars who, resisted love by eating chocolates to avoid diminishing their feminist liberality for lust.

Resources, along with other complication resulted in to a Declaration of Independence, by the means that were available to legislators of the time. Contrasting today's legislation, the need to create a currency then, was to enable to support tax paying, and other means of mining spieces of Gold and Silver scarcity, as todays Bitcoin, needs an exchange sanction, which is being arbitrated as we speak. And for this the printing press was innovated for dollar and coin emitting.

Maybe Cupid need to shoot his arrow to avoid the assignation of President Lincoln, or needed the movie Lincoln to win Awards, to inspire Negros to cast in 'Lee Danie's". Resources, like talents allowed these events to occur.

These are the means behind resources, and the end of times. Who would have known, that the new currency, will be a paperless society? Bitcoin's, and no, not all the people accord with this omnipotent sign of New World creation, which violates citizens known freedom, developing that sense of trust, which feels broken, resulting to that end, war disaster.

The end is told to have a living sequence, which has been instilled in it by its origins, (Herbert Marcus, Eros), that the leader, female or sons, imitating their father, are facing regression and disavows of expectations, which consequences lead them to ending results, meant; whatever problems we try to fix, they happen to resolve back to their original states, which when the problem began.

Therefore, resources are important, in order to maintain the adversary of life. If you look on the could, you'll experience the masses interconnected....


Tuesday, January 21, 2014


January 2014, Happy New Year! I would like to express some terms about the human conditions. Though, as life plays in real-time, we aren't aware of some things; one is that while things occur , they become the stimulate for what we learn and at another point; when we are reckoning those experiences, we aren't conscious of them; as of, where we've learned them from as we apply them.

Another, is that the human brain is conditioned in this time of era, to assume, because we are conceiving that, this bewildering idea has, is and "gotz" to be translating to others, therefore; if I am thinking something, you must already know, that's why when we see one another, we become disgruntle-in the mist of communicating-as the other parties aren't receipting. Our sold ideal is "idea", and to know is, satisfying!

These mental habits are fallible and shouldn't be undermined, because; they obtain the solution to many estranged and extended oblivious mental deficiencies that modern nature has classified, individuals to. These small lead ways, can be the answer to problems diagnostics.

I am discussing human dignity, implying that this is a means to start off a great year, or inferring that, this is a better new year.

Human dignity holds token and reward among most of one's human experience. As an individual, our human right is based upon the foundation of dignity. Dignity, has been modified not just in bibles throughout nations, but in our U.S. Constitution, as a set of provisions called, "The Bill of Rights".

However, the smog; the ambiguous identifying, applying to the allusion of human dignity, than the illusion of our "social contract", I'll infer; that; the less informed of this bills provisions, implies the outcome of its fever-to individual.

As far as interpreting the two-knowledge of the constitution-goes along with understanding its philosophies effect of the individual; as I'm concerned.

It's incredulous that we know The Bill of Right's, exist, but aren't familiar with what it means; this kind of lifestyle, shall seem incredible, due to the Amendments longly historical existence.

As the planet stagnates in rotation like waves in the human brain, its perpetual that all civilization emulate a fashion of human dignity.

I only understand, when I inform myself on a topic and advise; that you take on this action for your humanity.

If humanity wasn't considered essential to the human existence to co-exist, why would terrorism, genocide or violent crime deem as acts against humanity?

Those purposefully set out to break ones human right, are further ignorant than those who unconsciously destroy humanity. Whom ever lacks the knowledge of humanities guidelines, can be detrimental to a society.

Discrimination, profiling, stereotyping, castigating, out casting, alienating, embittering, desheavaling, abjection, dejection, is real; like acting in a fashion akin to verbally saying the action, they favor play association to the act, germiable to the event.