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Monday, August 23, 2010

The Roi Report September 2010

New York, NY Sept 2010, 9/11 Anniversary at the ground zero monument awaits millions mourning the death of innocent lives in the 2001 terrorist attack at New York City World Trade Center, as the arts prepare for ceremony and task force practice routine of security and safety leaves the expressions of the rear emotions to become phenomenal.

Actor Ramire Bailey, hosting public events is taking in headshots from artist of all walks, to develop a professional representation service. The theme is to: have a stock of artist to submit with in taking on big productions as time tells the faith of this artist profession in the trade.

Posting ads on; a site for soliciting jobs, and trading items, “Craig’s is like the electronic utopia of a classic barter system, as if the economy has merged back to it classical forms of trade before currency existed in the social market” says Ramire.

With today’s economy, our political climate of depressions and the political media, Ramire favors to not forget the future in green house awareness, for it is important to not undermine that art is a utility to represent the preservation of a planet, not just a nation.

In 2008 the climate alone melted a glacier in Greenland the size of England according to July’s 2008 Monthly review.

Ramire plans of targeting Production companies for a movie deal. Ramire claims that its hard being recognized, for people aren’t taking him serious to being Ramire, or that there has to be alternative ways to introduce himself to new acquisitions.

Ramire wants to take on projects that symbolize the phantom of people in his career’s path as the obstacle to tackle, and promote newer alternatives to see situations also mediate and alleviate some of the negative tension caused by “ranting unworthy critics”.

Seeking artist to collaborate with in practicing stage plays, and buildings skills, Ramire is implanting a phenomenal instruction to teaching the arts to novices, from his depiction of a standard way to adapt the craft.

Today’s trade is built by schools teachers and their contemporaries, who learnt the craft, created their own and built a communication network through its merging; from traditional players methods to a more contemporary approach.

The media and today’s industry fairly still new to arts has evolved time, and expression through the evolution of technology to art.

A future entailing skepticism on our existence, and a history of our faith remains quintessential to our expression of life.

We casually introduce Ramire to the public in great faith of the altruism for people in oath to serve our business and its future respectfully and ethically for time to come.

“I started out renting a room to see how traditional actors went through to be able to be this people to the public. I ended up taking on the novel responsibility that the normal persons complex couldn’t see past, to be better than the next man” say Ramire

Now practicing a range of formal songs and purchasing a tuxedo to perform at formal dinners, and learning a standup comedy routine to practice in workshop format, Ramire is building and depending on a stable career as an entertainer, and an income that will tolerate the big city of New York.
